TrendLine Saskatchewan tracks economic, social and demographic data, bundled with informative analysis and insight, ideal for decision makers.
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TrendLine Saskatchewan Composite Indicator Actual and Seasonally Adjusted
The Composite Indicator provides a visual summary of the overall health of the provincial economy. The blue line is a statistical construct of eleven normalized and equally-weighted indicators. The green line removes seasonal fluctuations to create the seasonally adjusted value.
TrendLine Saskatchewan Issues

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Average year-to-date employment increased by 13,840 positions, representing 50% of the job loss experienced in 2020.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Labour market statistics improve as comparisons shift to between pandemic-impacted months. Total employment remains behind 2019 levels.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Major indicators showing signs of recovery. Pandemic-related job losses slowing, but employment remains down year-over-year.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Pandemic-related job losses slowing, but employment remains down year-over-year. Housing starts continue to advance owing to record low interest rates, record high savings, and looser mortgage stress tests.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Many major indicators remain in decline. Housing starts continue to advance owing to record low interest rates and looser mortgage stress tests.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Total exports, wholesale trade, net international exports, residential building permits, and housing starts advance, while all other major indicators remain in decline. Employment and job losses still well below levels seen a year ago...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Employment and job losses still well below levels seen a year ago and most major indicators still in decline...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
With the exception of total exports, net international exports, residential permits, and housing starts, all other major indicators remain in decline...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Residential building permits and housing starts advance, while all other major indicators remain in decline...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Apartment construction continues to surge, while all other major indicators remain in decline...
View Issue
COVID-19 Labour Market Impacts
TrendLine Special Report
A detailed analysis of how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Saskatchewan

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Apartment construction buoys housing starts, while all other major indicators continue to trend downward...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
International exports, as well as residential housing starts and permits, advancing amid dropping employment numbers; all other major indicators in decline...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Collapsing employment numbers and declining consumer demand start to detail the wide-ranging impact of the pandemic...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
While the impact of the pandemic is not yet apparent across all indicators, collapsing employment numbers offer insight into what's to come...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Employment numbers decline in March as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic begins to manifest...

2019 in Review
TrendLine Special Report
Despite a surging labour market and the province's population reaching an all-time high, the consumer remained in near hibernation throughout 2019, with both year-to-date retail sales and new motor vehicle sales dropping.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Employment numbers remain strong (pre-pandemic), but consumers are still reluctant...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
Employment numbers continue to grow, but there is mounting reluctancy among consumers...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
The consumer remains hesitant, unswayed by a strong labour market...

Saskatchewan's Changing Demographic and Economy
TrendLine Special Report
This report shows some of the long term (50 year) demographic and structural changes and presents an outlook for the future.

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
The consumer remains reluctant despite a healthy labour market...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
An impending economic recovery remains uncertain...

TrendLine Saskatchewan
Monthly Issue
The consumer remains reluctant to participate in a full economic recovery...
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